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Bribery and Coporatocracy

What I learned in school was that people had a voice in government. The truth is that corporations run the government.The extent to which is worse than my imagination could have ever dreamed up. Corporations serve their own self-interest. Your voice literally doesn't matter to them. Here is a link to a princenton study that shows just that: http://www.upworthy.com/20-years-of-data-reveals-that-congress-doesnt-care-what-you-think

Congressmen get sponsored like Nascar drivers. They pander to their special interest groups. These corporations write the legislation to help them become more wealthy.

This is why lots of companies and organizations donate to nearly every politician. They are looking for favors. Votes are bought. It's as simple as that. Why give a vote with your consciense for free, when you can get paid a lot for following a corporation?

There are a lot of things that the majority of Americans want. For example, nearly everyone is for term limits for congress and getting bribery and corruption eliminated. Congress ignores the public.

In fact, congress has tried to make it so they can do any illegal behavior and not be responsible for it.

This is why many people want the courts not to count a corporation as a person. Companies hide under the law saying that a corporation and money should have the constitutional right of free speech. Should a corporation have the same rights as a person? So far, under the law it is my understanding that coroporations do have the same rights as people.

Alec: Corporatocracy Facilitators

How laws are really made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azSUHpAb_E4

Long Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Hmhdv_OSvA

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